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Young creative with special love for unconventional solutions. 

Design to me is beautifully solving problems that people don't realize they have. 

M.A. Retail Design
@Elisava School of Design and Engineering

Barcelona, Spain

Analyzing brands to detect current needs. Creating coherent marketing campaigns with strong claims. Starting from the strategy and going as detailed as installation schedule, cost, materials lifecycle and step by step execution.

B.S. Design Engineering
@Technical university of Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria

Design fundamentals - hand sketching, color theory, sculpture, prototyping. Engineering fundamentals - material behavior, physics, math, chemistry, CAD softwares.
Purpose comes prior to design.

Creative Copywriting



3-month workshop for creating fascinating marketing campaigns. Coming up with strong headlines, creating problems and then offering a solution for them.

Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies

@Università Bocconi


Unfolding retail approaches and learning how luxury brands manage their presence.

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